About General Medicine

Doctors working in general internal medicine (GIM) have particular expertise in diagnostic reasoning, managing uncertainty, dealing with co-morbidities (complex medical problems involving multiple symptoms and conditions) and recognizing when specialty opinion or care is required.

 Internists at Khetarpal hospital are equipped to deal with whatever problem a patient comes with – no matter how common, rare, simple, or complex it is. They are specially trained to handle severe chronic diseases and situations where several different and complicated illnesses occur simultaneously. They also bring patients to an understanding of wellness – disease prevention and promotion of health. Our internists take pride in caring for their patients during hospitalization, in the intensive care unit, and the outpatient department.

Benefits Of Seeing An Internist

The precise medical training of an internist allows them to diagnose and treat patients with specific illnesses. A general internist can treat a number of various diseases, but internists with a subspecialty are highly trained to focus their efforts on complications stemming from one affliction. Internists are also trained to provide preventative care, from cancer screenings to mammograms, an internist is qualified to help patients plan their schedules and establish a regular routine.

 Depending on an internist’s subspecialty, a patient could very well begin seeing one internist when the patient is 18, and stay with that internist for decades. This will allow the patient to develop a trusting, reliable relationship with their doctor, a connection that is invaluable.

Why Is It Called Internal Medicine?

 It comes from the German word Innere Medizin. In the 1800s, German physicians were incorporating knowledge from the sciences of bacteriology (the study of bacteria), physiology (the study of how the body functions) and pathology (the study of diseases) into their treatment plans. Physicians found the more they understood these subjects, the better equipped they were to help their patients.

 They were called internal medicine doctors or internists because they focused on the “inner” diseases instead of the external manifestations of those diseases.

What Are Some Diseases That Internal Medicine Doctors Treat?

Our Internists Treat:

–      Diabetes

–      High cholesterol

–      High blood pressure

–      Sinus infections

–      Allergies

In Addition, We Offer The Following Services:

–      Echocardiograms

–      Holter monitoring (heart rhythm monitoring)

–      Stress test

–      Ultrasound

–      Immunizations

–      Annual exams for Women and Men